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Signs & Symptoms

Usually not noticeable for people with low prescription.


High prescription in toddlers & children

 Difficulty reading/ focusing at near

 "Short attention span"

 Usually gets lower as they grow up.


High prescription in adults

Blur vision/ inability to focus  at distance & near.

Usually accompanied with headaches/migraines.

Treatment Options

Single Vision Glasses

Anti-Fatigue Glasses

Contact Lenses

Potential Complications



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image of a hyperopic eye

In a Hyperopic eye, light falls behind the retina

What Is Hyperopia?

Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is when you see things that are far away better than things that are up close. Your eyes focus better on distant objects than on nearby ones.


Children who have mild to moderate farsightedness can see both close and far away without glasses because the muscles and lenses in their eyes can squint very well and overcome the farsightedness.


Hyperopia Causes

Your eyes focus light rays and send the image of what you’re looking at to your brain. When you’re farsighted, the light rays don’t focus the way they should.


The cornea, the clear outer layer of your eye, and the lens focus images directly on the surface of your retina, which lines the back of your eye. If your eye is too short, or the power to focus is too weak, the image will go to the wrong place, behind your retina. That’s what makes things look blurry.


Hyperopia Symptoms

You may have:

If you have these symptoms when you wear glasses or contacts, you may need a new prescription.


Information extracted from Webmd

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